Our City, Your Vote
Our City, Your Vote
Hopefully, during this campaign cycle you have learned something about me, as I have about you.
First, it’s pretty obvious that I am the no-drama candidate running for Mayor. No scandals, no indignities. Just a government securities lawyer raising my family in the City I am passionate about making more peaceful and livable.
Second, notwithstanding the endless and downright vicious mailers you receive every day, it’s clear I’ve not thrown any mud nor received any. Not a speck. I believe it’s critical that government be civil and dignified; but if you campaign in a way that is less than civil, I suspect you will likely govern in that same manner.
The way I governed myself during this campaign is precisely how I will preside as your Mayor. Always with dignity and honor.
Finally, I’ve raised far, far less money than any of my opponents which might not be expected from the only sitting Commissioner running. I just believe that if people with financial interests in our City, namely developers and special interests, had funded my campaign some could understandably question my allegiances. I have proven time and time again during my four years as Commissioner that my only loyalty is to you our residents.
Now, here is what I know about you from this campaign and my service as Commissioner. You love our City for so many different reasons as I do, but you want it to be much safer, cleaner, quieter and more resilient. You want us to be responsible stewards of your tax dollars, but also make sure that the amenities that make us so special – the parks and promenades, the arts and culture – are sufficiently prioritized. And while a sideshow can be interesting, you would prefer your City officials treat each other with respect.
I completely agree! So, if you would like to see that vision realized, without drama, in a civil and dignified manner, I’m your candidate.
It’s been an honor to even be considered for this important job. As your Commissioner I’ve met so many amazing people and learned so much from others who share my passion to transform Miami Beach into the most resident-friendly city in America. I feel blessed to have been embraced by many of you and for the opportunity of a lifetime to represent you with honor and results to improve our quality of life.
Please know, if elected, you will get the best of me, and I will do my utmost to continue working hard with a sense of urgency to earn your support, trust and respect each and every day.
Thank you for your support and vote!
Posted on 06 Nov 2023, 20:57 - Category: 2023
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