Steven Meiner is Commission Candidates First Choice
At a recent candidate forum for Commissioner, three of the four candidates responded "Steven Meiner" to this question: which of the current six Commissioners are you most closely aligned with on your legislative philosophy and personal style and why?
Watch for yourself:
As you can hear, the candidates’ responses received loud applause from the over 100 residents in attendance. The candidates own words explain why I am the best candidate to lead our City and be your next Mayor:
Steven Meiner has the “highest ethics and integrity,” is “incredibly responsive to constituents,” “thoughtful,” “fair,” “does an enormous amount of homework,” “asks a lot of good questions,” and is “measured in his view.”
The candidates, whose every answer is aimed as getting themselves elected, overwhelmingly chose me as the type of the leader they want to be for Miami Beach.* I have worked closely with our current Commission and will do so as well with our new Commissioners. As your next Mayor, I am ready to lead our Commission and Miami Beach to its best years as the safest, most resident-friendly City in the nation.
*One candidate did not attend and another did not name a current Commissioner.
Posted on 03 Oct 2023, 22:10 - Category: 2023
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